Tibetans Call for UN Action as Self-Immolations Continue

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22 march 2012 002Dharamsala, India - Political Theatre Highlights China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet. Tibetans and supporters staged a dramatic political theatre action in McLeod Ganj, calling on the United Nations to take immediate and coordinated action against China's escalating crackdown in Tibet.

Thirty Tibetans have self-immolated in Tibet in an unprecedented wave of protest against China's occupation, most recently farmer Sonam
Dhargyel, the 17th this year.

The political theatre depicted China's extreme and violent response to the self-immolations. Tibetan monks in blood-soaked robes were
surrounded by Chinese military who violently assaulted them for theirprotests.

Bystanders were asked to deliver petitions to Ban Ki-Moon, urging him to take urgent action for Tibet.

"This harrowing scene is being repeated across Tibet as Tibetans are attacked and harassed by Chinese authorities for simply advocating
their basic rights and freedom," said Tsewang Dhundup, a Tibetan who narrowly escaped Tibet after being shot by Chinese police for taking
part in a peaceful protest in 2008. "I saw a Tibetan monk shot right in front of my eyes. He later died in my arms as I tried to help him.

The United Nations and world governments must intervene now to stop China's extreme and violent attacks against Tibetans before more lives
are lost."

The Chinese government has sealed-off Tibet to foreign media to contain news of the atrocities and oppression occurring there.

According to the media advocacy group Reporters Without Borders, the foreign press has a bigger presence in North Korea than in Tibet.

"The situation in Tibet demands an immediate response from the United Nations and our elected leaders that Beijing cannot ignore," said
Dorjee Tseten, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet-India.

"As Tibetans in Tibet are making the ultimate sacrifice to draw global attention to the situation in Tibet, we demand global action to help
secure a resolution for the Tibetan people so they can live in the peace and freedom they have sacrificed so much to achieve".

The political theatre comes as two Tibetans enter the 29th day of a hunger strike organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress in front of the
United Nations in New York.

A third hunger striker was forcibly removed by police yesterday and taken to a hospital. He vowed to continue his fast for UN intervention in Tibet. This week, Tibetans and their supporters worldwide are taking part in a global coordinated lobby initiative for Tibet. In New Delhi, Washington DC, Brussels, and Canberra, Tibetans and their supporters are meeting their elected representatives and asking them to commit them to taking action for Tibet.

Today's protest was organised by activists and supporters of Students.