Candlelight Vigil Protesting Chinese Crackdown Held in Delhi

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31 january 2012 001New Delhi, India: Nearly hundred students from all over India came together on January 28 by holding a candle light vigil in honour of the Tibetans who gave up their lives in protest of Chinese repressive policies.

This solidarity vigil, organized by Students for a Free Tibet (New Delhi) was held at Delhi University and was to pay homage to the martyrs of the Tibetan independence struggle and to protest the continued violation of basic human rights by the PRC.

The numbers of incidents of protests, self-immolations and other forms of confrontation between the Tibetans and the Chinese have risen in the past one year.
Between March 2011 and February 2012 alone, 17 Tibetans have self-immolated in protest of the Chinese repressive policies and two others were shot dead by the Chinese police inside Tibet.

Provinces of Kham and Amdo are going through most unrest and it has been so since the March 2008 Uprising.

"The Chinese police in Tibet celebrated the Chinese new year by opening fire on Tibetans who were protesting peacefully against religious repression," stated Rinzin Choedon, Programme Coordinator of Students for a Free Tibet, New Delhi.

"The Chinese will never let anything cloud their agenda of suppression and elimination of the Tibetan people, religion, culture and language," she added.

"I am an Indian and I still support the Tibetan cause and their solidarity because I value human rights, I value Justice and whatever the Chinese government is doing in Tibet is complete inhuman. That's why I am here, to stand in solidarity and support for Tibet," stated an Indian member of SFT who participated in this vigil.

As a part of this action plan, they aim to visit various universities, bureaucrats and other influential people to support the Tibetan cause thereby urging the Chinese government to stop the crackdown in Tibet.