Ten Actions to Support People in Ngaba of Eastern Tibet

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Dharamshala: - Tibetans and their supporters worldwide have engaged in protests, vigils, fasts, hunger strikes, peace marches, and government lobbying activities to pressure the Chinese government to end its attack on Tibetans in Ngaba region of eastern Tibet. The international community, governments around the world and international NGOs urged to be peaceful sense of justice to help the Tibetans. "We can't just wait & see,we need the real action to change this situation", said the statement.

The following is the list of 10 actions that you could do to show your support!
1) Call on U.S. Secretary Clinton and the U.S. Administration to speak up for Ngaba during meetings with Chinese officials in Washington, D.C.

2) Organize a solidarity protest: Tibetans and their supporters worldwide have engaged in protests, vigils, fasts, hunger strikes, peace marches, and government lobbying activities to pressure the Chinese government to end its attack on Tibetans in Ngaba. Send details of your protest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll help spread the word!

3) Send an urgent petition to Sichuan Party Secretary, Liu Qibao who has the power to stop the crackdown. Ask your friends & family to sign and help spread the word.

4) Send an urgent letter calling on your government leaders to take the strongest diplomatic action possible calling on China to:
- Immediately withdraw security forces from Ngaba;
- Unconditionally release all detainees;
- Allow international observers and media unrestricted access to Ngaba.
Find your representatives
Read more about SFT India's lobby campaign for Ngaba on the SFT blog.

5) Fax a letter in Chinese to the Sichuan Public Security Department: +(86) 288 6663 961. Copy Chinese text below (English translation underneath). You can also fax the letter to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate nearest you: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zwjg/2490/

FAX to Public Security Department, Sichuan:

I am deeply concerned about the situation in Ngaba County (Ch: Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province). Following the death of Phuntsok Jarutsang, a monk from Kirti monastery, on 16 March 2011 there has been a violent and intimidating crackdown against Tibetans by the Chinese authorities.

I demand that you immediately:
- release all the Tibetans who have been arbitrarily detained.
- cease with the crackdown and intimidation of Tibetans in Ngaba and the monks at Kirti Monastery.
- stop the forced political re-education at Kirti Monastery, which violates Tibetans' basic right to religious freedom.
- allow independent international media and government officials to visit the area
I have alerted my Beijing embassy and government representatives to the grave situation in Ngaba and have urged them to raise this issue with Chinese officials. Your continued crackdown in Tibet only serves to further garner global support for the Tibet cause and tarnish China's international reputation.

6) Sign the following Online Petitions:
- Amnesty International's urgent action appeal for Ngaba
- International Tibet Network's appeal to world leaders
- International Campaign for Tibet's appeal to the U.S. Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman.

7) Read the global statement issued by the International Tibet Network, of which SFT is a member organization. Circulate this statement to your local media contacts.
Watch video footage smuggled from Ngaba (in Tibetan, courtesy of Voice of America)

View dramatic photos (courtesy of Free Tibet)
8) Call your Embassy in China: Explain the ongoing human rights situation in Ngaba and urge them to press the Chinese government to immediately end the siege in Ngaba: http://www.chinahighlights.com/embassy/embassy-in-china/beijing/

9) Call Chinese authorities in Sichuan and demand the immediate release of those detained and for an end to the military crackdown in Ngaba.

10) Call the Chinese Embassy in your country: Tell them that people worldwide are watching the situation in Ngaba, Tibet closely and demand the release of all those detained in the protest: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zwjg/2490/
Thank you for your support. Together, we can help Tibetans in Ngaba defend their rights and protect their beloved monastery.