His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet concludes 3-day teaching in Osaka

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Tibet-Osaka-Japan-Dalai-Lama-2016Osaka, Japan— The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness concluded a three day teaching in Osaka, Japan on Sunday, November 13th. His Holiness gave his teaching, focused on 'the Bodhisattva's Way of Life' to a full house in the auditorium of Seifu High School.

The teaching opened with remarks given by the director of the school, Hiraoko Hidenobu, who addressed the audience of over 1000 before introducing His Holiness to the stage.

His Holiness began by explaining what he would be teaching Buddhism for the next three days:

"Earlier I had planned to confer the Guhyasamaja Empowerment, however, in September I visited Europe for two weeks. On returning to Dharamsala I gave several days of ordinations and teachings for a large group of Taiwanese Buddhists. Then I made another visit to Europe, which made me quite tired."

"So, since the preparatory rituals for the empowerment are quite long and tiring, I thought it might be too much for me to do. After I return from Japan, I have to go to South India for an extended visit in December, following which I'll be giving the Kalachakra Empowerment in Bodhgaya. Since I thought it might make me too tired, I decided not to give the Guhyasamaja Empowerment this time," he said.

"My decision has provided an opportunity for the Abbot and some monks of Gyumey Tantric College to have a brief holiday in Japan. I will now confer the Common and Uncommon Permission of the Wish-fulfilling White Tara, which is also very good," the Tibetan leader said.

"I had already decided to teach Shantideva's 'Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life'. Since there will be only two sessions, I will not read the entire text but will summarize the essence of each chapter. So although you will not receive the entire oral transmission of the text, you will hear the actual teaching."

"Whenever possible I like to begin teachings like this with a Pali recitation of the Mangala Sutta, but suitable monks are not with us today, so we will recite 'The Heart Sutra' in Japanese today and day after tomorrow; and tomorrow we'll recite it in Chinese," he added

After summarizing the essence of the text, His Holiness described the Common and Uncommon Permission of Wish-fulfilling Green Tara that he said he would be giving.

When the Permission Ceremony came to an end, Venerable Suga Chijun, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, thanked His Holiness on behalf of all those present for the teachings he had given them. Hiraoko Hidenobu, Chairman of Seifu High School, also thanked His Holiness for teaching at the school.

His Holiness had lunch with members of the organizing committee before posing for photographs with the Seifu High School teachers and staff, as well as monk volunteers.

Tomorrow, His Holiness will leave for Koyasan Monastery, the headquarters of the Shingon tradition one of the Japanese Buddhist sects that maintain a tantric tradition. His Holiness is scheduled to stay in Japan until November 26th.