Tibetan Grads Prep for Success

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5 may 2012 003Dharamsala: A college orientation program sponsored by the Department of Environment today will prepare roughly 130 Tibetan 12th graduate students for the next phase of their educational success.

The 8th annual program, held at the Gangkyi Conference Hall, seeks to connect the students of Tibetan Children Village (TCV), Tibetan Homes Foundation (THF) Sambhota Tibetan Schools (STS) and Central School for Tibetans (CST) with professionals in a wide variety of fields.

The day-long program, inaugurated by Additional Secretary Togyal Tering, DOE, divides students into groups based on their educational background and personal interests. Each group then receives a briefing from a career professional on the college coursework available and the future job prospects that grow from particular academic training.

Covering topics ranging from the relevance of Tibetan language study in today's world to vocational training in Journalism, Computer Education, Law, Psychology, Social Work and Tibetan Civil Service, the program features Dr. Chok Monlam Pelsok, Mr Gyaltsen, Tenzin Lekshay, Tendar Tsering and Namgyal Lekshey among others.

Given that scholarship and college admission information is of particular importance to new grads, Ms. Donkar Wangmo and a number of former college students will share their experiences in a special presentation. Each student will also receive scholarship application forms and sample college admissions papers.