Environmental Talks on Tibet Impress Students

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flash0207113796Dharamshala- The last in a series on environmental talks on the ecological environment in Tibet have made a deep impression on the Tibetan youth in North India. The series of talks, which discuss Tibet's environment, were organized by the Department of Information and International Relations and the Education Department, and also commemorates the 75th birthday anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Ms Chokyi and Mr Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha, from the Environment and Development Desk of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), discussed at great depth Tibet's current environmental issues to students in Dalhousie, Dholanji and Shimla.

Between the 28th of June and the 2nd of July speeches were held in the higher education schools, which highlighted environmental issues in Tibet, as well as discussing development issues.

Talks were also presented by Jigme Norbu and Dhondup Dolma Bhartso, who are researchers on the issue. These were held at the Tibet Homes Foundation and in schools across the region.

Issues such as climate change in Tibet, the resettlement of nomads, resource exploitation (mining) and huge damming schemes on soime of the great Tibetan rivers were highlighted. The presentation also consisted of documentary films on Tibet.

One of the key themes throughout the talks was on how to prevent the Chinese government from destroying Tibet's fragile and unique environment.

In a message to ‘TibetNet', Ms Dhondup Dolma Bhartso highlighted:

"We would like to thank all the school administrators and their team for making the programme very successful and meaningful as well."

There is growing concern for the ecosystem of the Tibetan plateau, and the issue was raised by the CTA on a trip to Australia earlier this year. Tibet is deemed my many as ‘the water tower of Asia', and pressure is growing on Chinese policy makers in the region to respect the unique ecosystem.