Foreign delegates pledge support for Tibet during Democracy Day

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Tibet-Democracy-Day-2017-DharamshalaDharamshala — Tibetans in exile marked the 57th anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day on September 2nd, holding a function at the main temple in Dharamshala, India.

Among the guests were Shri Kaul Singh Thakur, honorable Health Minister of Himachal Pradesh, and Carl Schlyter, Member of Swedish Parliament, who acted as Chief Guest and guest of Honor respectively at the event. The day also included a variety of cultural presentations by school children and Tibetan locals.

Officiating President, Honorable Kalon for Department of Religion and culture, Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok, read from the statement that was issued by the Kashag, and took the opportunity to reason with the Tibetan community, saying, “While the Kashag empathizes with the intention of the self-immolators, but we believe that the life of every Tibetan is precious and that we must be alive to fight for our cause. Therefore, the Kashag appeals to every Tibetan inside and outside Tibet to refrain from resorting to drastic actions such as self-immolation.”

Member of Swedish Parliament and guest of Honor, Carl Schlyter, in his address, said “His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama did the most difficult thing which other leaders in position of power would not dare do. He gave away his power to his people as a gift, in the form of Democracy”.

“Sweden remains a war free country for almost 203 years. You, like us, have the right to freedom, the right to live in your country. I know and hope that you will be able to achieve that in the near future”.

He concluded his address by saying that His Holiness is known across the globe as ‘the champion for world peace’ and it is the duty of every other political leader and person alike to strive to be a champion for world peace as well.

Honorable Deputy speaker of Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, read a statement issued by the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, and concluded by offering his gratitude on behalf of all the Tibetans, to the governments, parliaments, organizations and individuals, especially to the Central and State governments of India, for their support towards the just cause of the Tibetan people.

Shri Kaul Singh Thakur, honorable Health Minister of Himachal Pradesh and chief guest of the function in his address mentioned the importance of democracy and said that it was the best form of government since the power, in a democratic form of government, lies with the people and with that opportunity, we can elect a candidate of our choice who is better suited to carry out the basic functions of the government.

“On this occasion, I also pray to God that His Holiness is blessed with good health and long life so that he may continue to spread the message of peace and continue to bless us in the future and that the aspirations of the Tibetans will come true”.

“We are always here to help and provide you the facilities you require to reach that goal”, he further added nearing the conclusion of his address.