Dharamshala, India – An exclusive interview with Lama Lobsang, a Buddhist monk currently living in exile in the India. He shares with Tibet Post International (TPI) some key stories from his life, highlighting the struggles and atrocities under the Chinese occupation. He also talks about his philanthropy and his contributions to communities during the pandemic.

Dharamshala, India—An exclusive interview with Tsetan Norbu, President of National Democratic Party of Tibet (NDPT). He gives an insight about the formation of NDPT under the guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and talks about its contribution to the cause of Tibet. He highlights that Tibet is only a blueprint of what will happen to the rest of the world under China and calls for global support for the Tibetan freedom struggle.

Dharamshala, India – An exclusive interview with Dorjee Tseten, the executive director of Students for a Free Tibet (SFT). He shares with Tibet Post International (TPI), his early involvement in activism, and passion to serve his community. He also talks about SFT’s successful campaigns, and its contributions to the Tibetan Freedom Movement.

Dharamshala, India — An exclusive interview with Gonpo Dhondup, the president of Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC). He shares with Tibet Post International(TPI) the working structures of TYC and its contributions in Tibetan freedom movement. He also talks about the Wuhan virus and how the irresponsibility from China’s side had caused the whole world a huge and pricey inconvenience.

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