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Samye Village Adopted with an Official Ceremony in France

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Paris,France: An official ceremony adopting the village of Samye was held on 29th October in the courtyard of the Town Hall of the municipality of Bougtheroulde, a small town in Haute Normandie region of France, in the presence of the Mayor of the town Mr Bruno Questel, Mr. Francois Loncle, a member of French National Assembly and the Secretary of the Tibetan Parliamentary Group and Mr. Tsering Dhondup, Secretary of Bureau du Tibet, Paris.

Since last year when the campaign was launched by the Association France-Tibet, 43 towns and municipalities, four of them in the last month alone, have agreed to adopt a Tibet village or town as a gesture of their support to the peaceful struggle of the Tibetan people as well as to help preserve the identity of the Tibetan places, which is undergoing systematic assimilation and sinisization in Tibet, according to the campaigners.

In Bougtheroulde, it is the Association Tibet-Normandie, a local Tibet support group, which had pushed for this successful bid in the local municipality council.

The ceremony was addressed by the Mayor Mr. Questel, National Assembly Deputy Mr. Loncle, President of Tibet-Normandie Mr. Thiery Huyghe and Secretary of Bureau du Tibet, Paris.