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Retract Congrats to Communists

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Montréal, Friday, 8 July 2011: - The Canada Tibet Committee is calling upon the Conservative Party of Canada to retract the congratulatory letter that the party sent to the Communist Party of China (CPC) on its 90th anniversary.

The letter's existence first reported first by Chinese news agencies congratulates the communists on their anniversary and notes that the Conservative party "look(s) forward to future relations between the two parties."

``Wittingly or not someone at the Conservative party fell into a trap that only serves the propaganda interests of one of the most repressive regimes in the world and the right thing to do is to eat the flattering, backslapping words and do so publicly,`` said CTC executive director Dermod Travis.

``The Conservative party under former leaders would have shuddered at the thought of sending a similar letter to the National party of South Africa while that regime practiced its repressive policies of apartheid and someone at today`s Conservative HQ should be wise enough to appreciate that the CPC regime - which only maintains power through military oppression - doesn`t deserve congratulations, but rebuke.``

The CTC urges the Harper government to send a note to its political wing to cease interfering in Canadian foreign policy to avoid such misguided missives in the future.

The Canada Tibet Committee is an independent non-governmental organization of Tibetans and non-Tibetans living in Canada, who are concerned about the continuing human rights violations and lack of democratic freedom in Tibet.