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Dharamshala - Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) India have launched a petition to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the leaders of the other 9 downstream nations reliant on Tibetan sourced water to "stand up to China's blatant stealing of Tibet's rivers" and "establish water security in Asia."

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Dharamshala — The 15th Tibetan Parliament which began its 9th session on Monday reiterated its appeal to the Chinese government to allow an unbiased fact-finding delegation comprising of diplomats, media and reps. of human rights groups to visit Tibet.

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Dharamshala - Thousands of people gathered in and around the Main Temple in Dharamshala this morning in a show of solidarity for Tibetan National Uprising Day.

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Dharamshala - The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) has released a special report on Tibetans' right to healthcare, entitled In the Shadow of Development: Maternal and Child Health in Crisis in Tibet.

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Moraga, California, USA: – The Tibet Oral History Project is travelling to Nepal in April to videotape the life stories of some of the most aged Tibetans still with us. This oral history endeavor is urgent. The elders who can recount what Tibet was like before fleeing after the Chinese invasion are now in their 70's, 80's and 90's.

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Dharamshala: - A long life prayer service was offered to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama by the Belgium Tibetan Association, Chikdrel Association, Dhasa Tsongpa Community, Lhasa Association and Lhoka Association at the Main Tibetan Temple, Dharamshala, India, March 4.

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Dharamshala: - Prof Samdhong Rinpoche, a former Kalon Tripa said 'truth and Non-Violence are like the two sides of a coin — therefore, if there is a defect in one, the other too will be defective.'

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