Dharamshala — “The results of the unexcelled noble deeds in fields both spiritual and temporal of His Holiness the Dalai Lama over the past several decades has been bursting from their depths all across the world. This has made him a truly meaningful source of worldly benefits and wellbeing to this world. It won him the hearts and minds of many unbiased people across the globe and flowers of accolades continue to be showered on him,” said Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPiE).

Dharamshala — “As we celebrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday, it is important for us Tibetans to deeply reflect on and understand the enormous services that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has rendered for the cause of Tibet. The best way to repay the gratitude is to maintain good moral conduct and lead a meaningful life by following the counsel of His Holiness the Dalai Lama,” said Penpa Tsering, Sikyong of CTA while reading the Kashag’s statement on the occasion of the 87th birth anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on July 6, 2022.

Dharamshala — Five Tibetan groups offered a long life prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. "I will try to work for Tibet. I am healthy and my brain is clear, so I intend to live at least the next twenty years. The sun will shine again on Tibet, freedom will be restored," said His Holiness who addressed the gathering after the long life ceremony.

Geneva — “Despite our repeated calls to take conservative action to help protect the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people and hold China accountable for its atrocities, the situation in Tibet has deteriorated significantly. Tibetan culture and identity are endangered due to systematic repression,” said Karma Choekyi, while protesting against China's repression of freedom in Tibet.

Washington D.C — Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration embarked on an official visit to the United States to attend the eighth World Parliamentarians' Convention on Tibet. He addressed the Tibetan community and spoke about the essential goals of the 16th Kashag (cabinet of the Tibetan government-in-exile), and highlighted the administration's political efforts to resolve the Sino-Tibet issue.

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