Taipei — Chime Lhamo, a Tibetan activist from Canada invited to speak on Tibet at the Oslo Freedom Forum, Taiwan on Tuesday and she said, “Free Tibet is a Crime in the Eyes of the Chinese Communist Regime, Tibet is my homeland, it is homeland of thousands of Tibetans in exile who cannot go back and millions of Tibetans who cannot leave Tibet freely. But we will fight every single day and some day we will return our home."

Washington, D.C. — Sikyong is on an official visit to the United States and, together with Tibetans and supporters of Tibet, commemorated the 16th anniversary of the conferment of the US Congressional Gold Medal to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Addressing Tibetan youth in Virginia, Sikyong urged and reminded young people of their responsibility to continue the Tibetan struggle.

Dharamshala — His Holiness the Dalai Lama congratulates Chris Luxon on becoming the new Prime Minister of New Zealand and His Holiness wrote," your commitment to New Zealand’s nuclear-free policy is a message that other countries need to hear and to emulate. Eventual disarmament is the only way to make this world a better place for us all".

Dharamshala — A group of Members of the European Parliament from Austria and Germany visited the Central Tibetan Administration as part of an educational tour to learn more about the history of Tibet, the human rights situation in Tibet and the situation of the CTA and Tibetans in exile. They expressed their support for the Tibetan cause and pledged to raise the Tibet issue in their respective Parliaments.

Dharamsala — His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in a letter to Prem Singh Tamang, Chief Minister of Sikkim, has expressed his sadness at the loss of life and the damage to property in Sikkim as a result of the flash flood in the Teesta river valley on October 4, 2023 and His Holiness wrote,"As a mark of my solidarity with the people of Sikkim, I have asked the Dalai Lama Trust to make a donation towards relief and rescue efforts."

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