Paris, France — "China remains the world’s biggest jailer of journalists with 60 currently held, of whom three quarters are non-professional journalists," The Paris-based world press freedom watchdog "Reporters Without Borders" said adding: The communist regime "has been near the bottom of RSF's World Press Freedom Index for years and is currently ranked 176th out of 180 countries."

Mumbai, India — "Despite all the hardship Tibetans have faced, their spirit is unsubdued and remains strong. Chinese hardliners have failed to suppress Tibetan language and culture," His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, adding: 'Things are changing and that a totalitarian system has no future.'

Dharamshala — "China should accept His Holiness’ Middle Way Approach under which Tibetans seek a genuine autonomy within the framework of the Chinese Constitution. This is a win-win proposition in resolving the issue of Tibet," Tibetan President Dr Lobsang Sangay Monday said, adding: "Until the Chinese government respects the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people, China will not gain respect from the international community."

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