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Dharamshala, India: - Three Australian politicians - Mr Micheal Danby, Mr Laurie Ferguson MP and Ms Melissa Parke MP - have expressed their strong concern over the ongoing human rights violations in Tibet. They have called on the Chinese government to end its repressive policies, which restrict the basic freedom of Tibetans to practice their religion.

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Zurich: The Swiss foreign ministry has said that the spate of self-immolations in Tibet this year and the desperation they express are “very worrying”.

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Zurich: We must keep in mind the interest of fellow Tibetans in Tibet, said the political leader (Kalon Tripa) of the Tibetan government in exile, Dr Lobsang Sangay, during his address to the Tibetan community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. He also said that Tibetan people must fulfil His Holiness the Dalai Lama's wishes.

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Dharamshala, India: -Three members of the United States Congress - Frank R Wolf, James P McGovern, and Joseph Pitts - sent a letter on November 17 to the US Ambassador to China, Gary Locke, expressing their concern over human-rights violations in Tibet, asking him to visit the country in the light of the recent self-immolations there, and to "publicly use your platform as Ambassador to make it clear to the Tibetan people that they have a friend in the United States of America".

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Dharamshala, India: - On Feb 1, 2012, the fourth annual Festival of Tibet kicks off in Brisbane, with a jam-packed 5 day extravaganza of music, film, concerts, panel discussions, workshops on art meditation, healing and dance.

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Pretoria: - In his message to participants at the Global Africa uBuntu conference held in Johannesburg from 9 - 11 November, the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama underlined that "many of the world's problems, conflicts and fears arise due to lack our ability to accept the oneness of humanity".

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Dharamshala, India: - Echoing Australian government's deep concern about reports of self-immolations by Tibetan monks and nuns in Tibet, Mr Michael Danby MP in the Australian Parliament has appealed to the Chinese authorities to respect the religious rights of Tibetan monks and to cease their repressive actions against those in the Kirti Monastery.

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