Warsaw: The Health Kalon of the Central Tibetan Administration attended an international symposium of alumni of Polish medical universities in Warsaw on May 26. The symposium was attended by former students of medical universities in Poland, including the host, Warsaw Medical University.

Warsaw: The Health Kalon of the Central Tibetan Administration attended an international symposium of alumni of Polish medical universities in Warsaw on May 26. The symposium was attended by former students of medical universities in Poland, including the host, Warsaw Medical University.

In his address, Kalon Dr Tsering Wangchuk gave an overview of the health-care system of Tibetans in exile, and the health department's top priorities to improve the system.

The Chancellor of the University, Professor Dr Marek Krawczyk, presented Dr Tsering Wangchuk with an honorary medal. The medal was incepted in memory of famous Polish doctor Tytus Chalubinski for his outstanding merit in fostering knowledge and popularisation of Polish medical university in the world.

On May 27, Dr Tsering Wangchuk was interviewed by TVN 24, a popular Polish TV channels. He responded to questions on the Chinese government's repressive policies in Tibet, and the workings of the Central Tibetan Administration following the devolution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's political authority to Dr Lobsang Sangay, the democratically elected leader of the Tibetan people.

Later in the afternoon, he met with the Polish Tibetan community in in Warsaw. He spoke about the policies being initiated by the present Kashag (cabinet) following the far-reaching reform carried out by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in devolving his formal authority to the elected Tibetan leadership. He also briefed the Tibetan community about the Tibet Corps initiative and the different health care programmes initiated by the health department.

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Moscow: - The International Conference on the Tibetan Civilization and Nomadic (Mongolian origin) Peoples of Eurasia: Cross-Cultural Contacts was held in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, from May 24 to 26. It was jointly organised by the Institute of Oriental Studies of Ukraine National Academy, Institute of Philosophy of Ukraine National Academy, Ukraine National Museum of Arts and Buryat Culture Society in Kiev.

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Dharamshala: - In an incredibly busy and productive last day of his European visit, on May 28 His Holiness the Dalai Lama stressed his commitment to inter-religious harmony whilst meeting with Cardinal Schonborn in Austrian capital Vienna and reiterated his belief in religious tolerance and compassion amongst all of the world's religions.

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Vienna: - Tibetans and Europeans jointly turned out in a massive rally for the Tibet movement where His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kalon Tripa (political leader) Lobsang Sangay, local and European politicians, and friends of Tibet joined in Austrian capital Vienna's Heldenplatz Square. Around 10,000 people are said to have attended the rally.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing Tibetans, Mongolians and Tibet support groups from Belgium and Holland who came to Yeunten Ling Institute in Huy, Belgium, on May 24, 2012. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL


Dharamshala: - His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited the Yeunten Ling Institute in Huy, Belgium, on May 24 as part of his current European schedule. The retreat centre was founded in 1983 by the Venerable Lama Orgyen. The institute is a Kagyu centre which has roots in the Sonada Monastery in Darjeeling, India and is one of the oldest Tibetan Buddhist centers in Europe.

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Vienna: - Yesterday, when His Holiness arrived in Austrian capital Vienna, he drove to his hotel where Prof. Heinz Nussbaumer met him and immediately escorted him to a meeting with the press. They were joined by the Kalon Tripa (political leader of the Central Tibetan Administration), Dr Lobsang Sangay, who has been invited to Vienna to address the European Solidarity Rally for Tibet. His Holiness introduced him to the assembled journalists humorously, "This young man was born in India, but completed his education at Harvard University."

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Dharamsala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed his sadness for the lives lost and the other damage caused by the earthquake in Bologna Italy in a letter to the prime Minister of Italy, Mario Monti. He also offered condolences and prayers to the families of the deceased.

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