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Dharamshala: - Latest reports have emerged on November 4th 2012 of a self-immolation in the Amdo region of North-Eastern Tibet. Sources state that 25 year old Lhundup Dorjee; a male farmer from the Rebkong district (Amdo) set himself ablaze in the early hours of Sunday morning.

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Dharamshala: Four monks are reported to have been arrested in Tibet for spreading information following two self-immolations.

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Dharamshala: Chinese police have detained a Tibetan monk for allegedly having a cell phone (Iphone), in Sogdzong county, eastern Tibet according to a source in Tibet on Monday. The news came after carrying out of a massive police raids targeting at local Tibetans' homes to invesgate cell-phones.

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Dharamshala: On 25th of October 2012, a monk named Jinpa (38) from Mura monastery (also Mayul Choekhorling) of Mura area, Marchu County (Eastern Tibet) was arrested by Chinese authorities. The reason for his arrest remains unknown.

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Dharamshala: - Amid further communication blackouts imposed by the People’s Republic of China, reports have emerged of a double self-immolation on Thursday 26th of October, in Nagchu prefecture, Tibet. The news emerges amid a month of escalating protest in the region, which has witnessed the self-immolation of at least 62 Tibetans since 2009.

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Dharamshala: - Two young Tibetan men died in two separate self-immolation incidents today. Another Tibetan man died on Friday evening after setting himself on fire in north-eastern region of Tibet, an information received by The Tibet Post International Friday evening said, in the fifth self-immolation protest in the region in less than a week.

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Dharamshala: - A young Tibetan man from Achok Yultso township of Labrang, Sangchu county of north-eastern Tibet , (Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Gansu Province.), died on Friday, 26 October, after setting himself alight in the latest nonviolent act of self-immolation protesting against China's failed policies in Tibet.

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